Bison Bee Mead

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Why Mead?

Clover chilling in the mini fridge.

Why the Mead?

Honestly it came down to the fact that I have never tried mead. So short answer - curiosity.

I have created a few home brews using a beer making kit. So I already understood the general idea of fermenting. After YouTube-ing the shit of Mead. I knew everything I need to about mead. Kidding.

My aunt had some honey from back when her family farmed. So she kindly gave me some. The honey was from Sunflower fields and was around 40 years old. That just blows my mind. The honey still tasted great and was a beautiful dark brown color. Almost as dark as buckwheat honey, if you know your honeys. I surely didn’t at this time and honestly there are so many types I am still working on trying the different regional types. Anyway, the honey was high quality and unique compared to any honey I have tried so far.

I made a mead based on City Steading Brews recipe. The link to their video is below. The only deviation I made was using Red Start Champagne Blanc yeast. Anyway, it turned out great. I added French Oak to the mead in after racking it into secondary fermentation. I can’t believe the mouth texture the French Oak added to the mad. But its phenomenal.

I am obsessed with making mead and trying as many variations as I can find. I have a mushroom mead of my own creation that’s brewing right now and its really tasty.

I will post the recipes for all of the meads that I find tasty. So come back and check them out.

City Steading Meads recipe: